GPL code center
Please note The products of ALPHATECH TECHNOLOGIES s.r.o. company partly contain software code developed by third parties, including software code subject to the GNU General Public Licence (“GPL“), Version 1/Version 2/Version 3 or GNU Lesser General Public License("LGPL"). You may use the respective software condition to following the GPL license terms.
In order to comply with the terms of the GPL the respective ALPHATECH TECHNOLOGIES s.r.o. company which offers respective software for download or is responsible for the distribution of products that contain respective code, offers, where applicable, by itself or with the support of third parties, mail service in order to obtain a machine-readable source code of the software subject to the GPL, on a CD upon request by a letter to our company address, which can be found in our contacts at this web site. Further information is provided with the relevant products or the software. With this GPL Code-Center ALPHATECH TECHNOLOGIES s.r.o. company provides for a free download of copies of the respective machine-readable source code of the software which is subject to the GPL and contained in ALPHATECH TECHNOLOGIES s.r.o. company products. For the CD handling and shipping costs, we will charge related costs covering these expenses only allowed under GPL terms.
The respective programs are distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the respective GNU General Public License for more details.
Please send us a readable copy of the original purchase invoice of your ALPHATECH TECHNOLOGIES product in order to download the source code. You can review, print, and download the respective GPL license terms here.
Please note, that the GPL-Code-Centre is only provided as a courtesy to Alphatech Technologies s.r.o. ’s customers but may neither offer a full set of source codes used in all products nor always provide for the latest or actual version of such source codes.
If you are of the opinion that ALPHATECH TECHNOLOGIES s.r.o. company should offer further source code subject to the GPL, please contact us under .
INFO to download the software: This software contains open source program parts. The following are the terms of the following open source licenses in the original English version:
General Public License Version 1
General Public License Version 2
Free software
Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
You can download the open-source license terms at the following download links:
GNU GPL open source license conditions
GPL info Open Source Software v1
GPL info Open Source Software - BlueGate SIP gateway
GPL info Open Source Software - v2
Source code availability in the scope of GNU GPL
General Instructions and Cautions